case study analizing
Written Case Analysis Guidelines
1) Identification of the problem(s)
a) A problem represents the difference between what you want in a situation and what you are actually achieving or experiencing. For example, the owner of a store may desire to provide timely and responsive customer service, but finds that his/her employees dont care about responding to customers complaints in a timely fashion. This manager clearly has a problem with the customer service being provided by employees.
b) Think in broader terms when trying to identify a problem. If you think too narrowly, you will most likely focus on causes or symptoms of some larger problem. It is very important to consider the goals of the protagonist or the organization as a whole when you attempt to define problems because a goal represents a desired state.
c) Historical cues (e.g., past levels of productivity or sales) or facts (e.g., current measures of effectiveness such as productivity, efficiency, or customer satisfaction) can be used to help identify a problem. Opinions of others beside the protagonist can be useful in identifying problems. Gaps between an organizational vision statement and reality also might indicate a problem.
d) There can be more than one problem in a case. Your task is to consider all potential problems faced by the protagonist or organization as a whole and decide which ones are most important. Be sure to substantiate or thoroughly explain your conclusions.
2) Identification of the causes of the problem
a) Problems can have many causes, and causes can come from different levels of analysis (e.g., individual, group/team, organizational). You must consider different levels of analysis when identifying causes.
b) Use the content/models/theories discussed in your textbook and class to help identify causes. I want you to consider a breadth of causes, not just a chosen few. You will study many models and theories of organizational behavior and each one was proposed to explain some type of outcome. This means that each model or theory offers a host of potential causes.
3) Recommendation and justification for a specific solution
a) Multiple alternatives may be needed to solve a problem. The choice of a solution depends on your analysis of alternatives and the specific causes you are trying to eliminate. Remember, your recommended solution must map back to the original problem(s) and causes. Explicitly makes these connections.
b) Explicitly justify why your solution is the best choice given the analysis and discuss the pros and cons of your solution and why the pros outweigh the cons.
c) Present your recommendations with specific implementation steps.
I need only 2 sources from chapters 5,6,8,9,10,11,12 that are related to the case Please only these chapter this books name